Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seasons in the Sun

In Umeå, I have now learned that the changing of the seasons are a little bit different. Having spent almost a full year here now, I can say I have fully experienced these changing seasons. Coming from Edmonton, the seasons are so distinct and really mark the progression of time throughout the year. Although I sometimes fantasize about it, I cannot really imagine living in a place that does not have this distinction.

In Umeå, the changing of the seasons is even more dramatic than what I was used to in Edmonton. It is strongly accentuated by the fluctuations in day length and the changing of the sunshine time throughout the year. The fall and the spring seasons are the times when the daylength is changing so fast, time moves so fast, it almost makes one’s headspin. Then when the light-changing slows down, either in winter or in summer, it seems like these seasons stretch out forever. Everyday being the same, a kind of stability is felt that is missing in the spring and fall.

In Swedish the seasons are vintrar, vårar, somrar, och höstar.

In Umeå I have learned that we don’t really have spring (vårar). The progression from winter to summer is so speedy it is actually called vår-vintern, which means spring-winter. It happens because there is so much snow that it really takes FOREVER to go away (still waiting…).

It has been spring-like weather for some time now, but of course we still have about a foot of snow, hence Vår-vintern. And once the snow finally goes, it takes only about 1 or 2 nice days, and then it is summer!

We are so excited for the summer here now! It will mark one year of living here for us, and we are excited for the things we enjoyed to do last summer but needed the long hard dark winter to make us really appreciate it.

Our plans for summer: we will picnic and barbeque every day, spend our evenings having a fire by the lake, do lots of hiking, cycling, gardening (we got an allottment in the community garden), staying up late when the sun won’t go down, playin kubb and Brännboll, swimming in the Baltic sea, and maybe even learning to kayak. A busy somrar ahead and I plan to enjoy every single minute of it!

Daring Cooks Challenge: Brunswick Stew

The 2010 April Daring Cooks challenge was hosted by Wolf of Wolf’s Den. She chose to challenge Daring Cooks to make Brunswick Stew. Wolf chose recipes for her challenge from The Lee Bros. Southern Cookbook by Matt Lee and Ted Lee, and from the Callaway, Virginia Ruritan Club.

Rustic and warm, and it made a tonne! Even my favourite picky-eater liked it!

get the recipe here:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Daring Bakers: March Challenge: Orange Tians

The 2010 March Daring Baker’s challenge was hosted by Jennifer of Chocolate Shavings. She chose Orange Tian as the challenge for this month, a dessert based on a recipe from Alain Ducasse’s Cooking School in Paris.

It was tricky but delicious! I made mine with blood oranges. Next time I might try Grapefruit!

Wish I had more to update you all about our adventures in Sweden, but we are just running off to the High Coast in Sweden for Easter Weekend!